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Degrees and Honours

MA (Hons), University of St.Andrews;  MPhil, University of Cambridge; PhD, University of Cambridge.


Karen Otewell is a Fellow and Tutor at Lucy. She is the Director of the Academic Development and Training for International Students section of the Language Centre which provides training and support to assist international students at the University in further developing and honing the skills required to succeed in an English-speaking academic context. Karen has recently started a part-time Ed.D. at the Faculty of Education here at Cambridge, with the aim of creating an academic literacy development framework to support international postgraduate students.

Research Interests

Assessment of academic English competency; The "cultural" impact on writing; Academic writing across the disciplines; Achieving clarity in writing; Academic Literacy.

Publications (selected)

Rhetorical Diversity and the Implications for teaching academic English; co-authored with Zhongshe Lu and Lan Li; for Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 3, No. 1 (2016), pp.101-113.

PhD: Been there, done that. So, why do a (second), professional doctorate?; co-authored with WM Lim; for a Sage publication on Transformative Practices (2016) (pending)

‘Das Eignungsfeststellungsverfahren mit anschließender Studienfachberatung der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg – Ein Erfahrungsbericht’, In: Sprachen als akademische Schlüsselkompetenz? Conference Proceedings of the AKS 2008, 185-192.

‘… sine qua non of global communication’, Die Sparkassen Zeitung (2003), p.16.

Aspects of foreign language competence in business communication’, Bildung – Führung – Veränderung. Deutsche Sparkassenakademie 75 Jahre Lehrinstitut 1928-2003, ed. G. Ashauer (Stuttgart, 2003). 219-231.

Lessing and the Sturm und Drang. A Reappraisal Revisited, [Europäische Aufklärung in Literatur und Sprache, Bd. 14] (Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang, 2002).