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Professor Benedikt Löwe is a researcher connecting mathematics, computer science, philosophy and the social sciences. He studied mathematics and philosophy in Hamburg, Tübingen, Berlin, and Berkeley. After his PhD, he worked at the universities in Bonn, Münster, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and Cambridge. Currently, his main affiliations are the Institute for Logic, Language and Computation at the Universiteit van Amsterdam and the Mathematics. Department at the Universität Hamburg. His research includes mathematical logic, in particular set theory and infinite games, as well as empirical studies of mathematics, in particular with applications to the philosophy of mathematics. Löwe is currently President of the German logic society DVMLG and Secretary General of the Division for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology of the International Union for History of Science and Technology (DLMPST/IUHPST). Löwe is external Director of Studies in Mathematics (Pure). He is a Fellow at Churchill College and teaches in Parts IA, II, and III of the Mathematical Tripos.