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Lord Neuberger, Former President of the UK Supreme Court, engaged in a lively conversation and shared legal insights with our students last Thursday.

The event was hosted by the Lucy Cavendish College Law Society and moderated by College DoS in Law and Fellow, Dr Poorna Mysoor.

During the discussion, Lord Neuberger offered invaluable perspectives on legal education and the legal profession. He delved into complex legal issues, responding thoughtfully to questions posed by Dr Mysoor and students. Attendees were captivated by Lord Neuberger's accounts of his esteemed five-decade career. He provided unique insights into the inner workings of the courts and the judicial decision-making process, sharing his experiences with a mix of humour and sincerity.

Audience of Lucy students, listening to the speakers. They are seated in rows, with some of them using electronic devices which could indicate they are taking notes.

About Lord Neuberger

Lord Neuberger served as President of the UK Supreme Court from 2012 to 2017.

He holds a distinguished career in the legal profession and is widely respected for his contributions to the field of law.